books-on-wooden shelf

My Summer Research Experience

Each year, our team provides unique experiences to medical, allied health, and other university students to complete supervised research placements. In addition to working on research projects, students are able to shadow the clinicians at the BSM Clinic and observe functional testing clinics, new patient assessments, and orthopaedic surgeries! One of the goals of these…

Banff Vermillion Lakes

Farewell to our 2021-2022 Fellow Dr. Rousseau-Saine!

The Banff Sport Medicine team bids adieu to our 2021-2022 Fellow, Dr. Alexis Rousseau-Saine. As part of our efforts to train healthcare professionals, BSMF offers a year long fellowship in Orthopaedic Sport Medicine, accredited by the Arthroscopy Association of Canada through the Canadian Orthopaedic Association. BSMF recently asked our outgoing Fellow a few questions about…