The Role of Functional Testing Following Knee Ligament Surgery
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The Role of Functional Testing Following Knee Ligament Surgery

Did you know the knee joint is the largest joint in the body? It’s important for almost every movement, from standing, keeping your balance, walking, running, jumping, swimming and more! The knee is made up of many important components such as cartilage, like the meniscus and articular cartilage, and ligaments including the anterior cruciate ligament…

rock climbing

STABILITY II – Randomized Clinical Trial

We’re recruiting! Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgery is the gold standard treatment for an injured or torn ACL in people with symptomatic knee instability (i.e. a common feeling like the knee is buckling or “giving way”). Several studies have estimated a high rate of a second ACL injury in active young individuals even after…

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#Knees4Skis: 3 More Essential Exercises to Help Reduce Knee Injury

If you’ve mastered the #Knees4Skis 8 Essential Exercises to Help Reduce Knee Injury and you’re looking to add more exercises – here are 3 more recommended by our experts Dr. Mark Heard, Orthopaedic Surgeon at Banff Sport Medicine, and Lynne Richardson, Physiotherapist at the Rocky Mountain Rehab & Sports Medicine Clinic.

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Management of lower limb (aka knee) injuries in youth athletes

Knee injuries are common in youth athletes with up to 1 in 4 athletes at risk of sustaining this type of injury. Approximately one-third of patients seen in the Banff Sport Medicine Clinic are youth. For example, the Clinic assesses approximately 1500 acute knee injuries in patients aged 5 to 24 each year.