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Another research perspective published in Healio on a research project led by Banff Sport Medicine Orthopaedic surgeon, Dr Laurie Hiemstra, and Research Director, Sarah Kerslake!

Hiemstra, L. A., & Kerslake, S. (2019). Age at Time of Surgery but Not Sex Is Related to Outcomes After Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 47(7), 1638–1644. https://doi.org/10.1177/0363546519841371

Dr Laurie Hiemstra

“By stratifying for pathoanatomic risk factors, this study has clarified that females do not have poorer outcomes following [medial patellofemoral ligament] MPFL reconstruction based on their sex,” Laurie Hiemstra, MD, told Healio.com/Orthopedics.

“Previous research has correlated female sex with poorer outcomes after patellar stabilization surgery, however females demonstrate a greater number of pathoanatomic risk factors, which adversely influence outcomes. Likewise, individuals who dislocate at a young age are likely to have a greater number of pathoanatomic risk factors.”

Read the Healio Perspective here.

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