Prevention exercises to avoid rotator cuff tears
Tears to the rotator cuff muscles in your shoulder are a common injury of the upper body.
Tears to the rotator cuff muscles in your shoulder are a common injury of the upper body.
Tendinopathy, or inflammation of the tendon, is a common condition that can affect many areas of the body. It is commonly seen in the elbow, shoulder, knee, and ankle, but can be present in any tendons. It is commonly caused by overuse and repetitive strain, but can also be caused by sudden trauma or some…
Biking is an increasingly popular recreational activity with significant potential for injury. Any injury is concerning as it can negatively impact a person’s quality of life and increase the risk of a second injury.
Expert Education Series with the Banff Sport Medicine Clinic We are pleased to host this free and in-person event. Join experts from the Banff Sport Medicine Clinic in this hands-on interactive session and learn about common bike-related injuries, how to prepare your body for the upcoming season, and how to reduce your risk of injury….
Spring is finally here! After the third false spring, it’s safe to say that the snow has stopped, and it’s time to switch gears into running, biking, and hiking season. Now, how can you transition seamlessly between these sports and activities without getting injured?
If you have torn your rotator cuff (RC), you are amongst thousands of other Canadians who have suffered one of the most common injuries to the upper limb. What put you at risk? Over 25% of individuals 50 or older are living with RC tears, and the likelihood of having a RC tear increases substantially…
A rotator cuff tear is a common injury among adults that results in shoulder pain, limited shoulder mobility, and sometimes weakness. It is estimated that approximately 180,000 Canadian adults develop symptoms of a rotator cuff tear. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that work together to stabilize the shoulder joint. These…
Along with the orthopaedic surgeons at the Banff Sport Medicine clinic, our research team are recruiting patients to the STABLE clinical research trial. Why is this research being done? The shoulder is one of the body’s largest joints and can also move through the greatest range of motion. Unfortunately, it is also the most commonly…
According to a 2022 Health Canada survey, approximately 27% of Canadians aged 16 years or older had used cannabis within the prior year. Before legalization of cannabis in 2018, it was the most prevalently used illegal drug. Cannabis use is particularly high in youth, with those aged 16 to 24 years reporting cannabis use, almost…
The tibia, or shinbone, is a large bone in the lower leg and one of the most commonly broken bones in the body. Of all fractures sustained in the body, 1% are tibial plateau fractures.
Here is a great warm-up recommended by Nani Woollings, Physiotherapist and Canadian Youth National Climbing Team coach.
The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is one of four major ligaments of the knee. The other ligaments are the lateral collateral ligament (LCL), anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), and posterior cruciate ligament (PCL).